>>> Aura club research - 2022. 05. 25. - Tbilisi (GE)
AURA performance - 2023/04/06 Trafo Budapest (HU)
>>> Aura VR game screenshot - 2023. 03. 28.
>>> Aura performance - 2023. 07. 29. - radialsystem Berlin (DE) - photo by Barbara Antal
AURA performance - 2023/04/06 Trafo Budapest (HU)
>>> Trust fall movement game - 2022. 05. 12. - OpenSpace, Tbilisi (GE)
>>> Paracosmic Friend demo performance - 2022. 06. 18. - Under500 Festival, Budapest (HU) - photo by Daniel Szalai

This object is one of the three portals providing you access to the backstage of Aura where you can see how it was created. If you observe the details and climb inside the tendrils, you will find documentation of the worldbuilding process.

It started in 2021, when the three artists set out on a journey to find a club that had the same name. It was an existing place, a legendary underground nightclub in the 1990s in Tbilisi where the avant-garde youth would spend long nights. The travellers were eager to know more about this place. However, since nobody had any photos and clear memories of it, they had to build it up themselves, from their own imagination.

The 2-year journey took them to different places. For example, to a circus, which works as a darkroom after sunset. They also went to a ghost town, full of abandoned palaces and sanatorium buildings. Here, they found a compass that led them to an underground city where they eventually found Aura.